About Us

About Alkanand Holistic Hub:

Alkanand holistic hub was formerly named as Alkanand Homeopathic Clinic and was founded and owned by Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar since 2018. With an aim to help patients over the globe make the right choice of pathy and medicine to bring in balance and correction in their life Dr. Ashita helped about 500 + patients online as well as offline in the span of 6 years. With her Psychotherapy Degree and listening skills she helped 150+ people with psychological blockages.

Sooner she realised that a healthy state of mind and body was not enough to live an accomplished life. She started coaching for developing life skills. She successfully conducted various online and offline personal development courses for about 300 + students.

With a Vision to Serve Growth and Accomplishment in Others Life and Aim to Bring About Holistic Change in Health and Personality Dr. Ashita took a step ahead with opening an organisation which serves it all in One Place.

About Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar :

Dr. Ashita Started her journey as a homeopathic consultant and psychological counsellor in 2018. She is the Founder and Owner of Alkanand Homeopathic Clinic which aimed to acquire healthy state of mind and body combining medications and counselling. To make it accessible she served it online as well as offline. She kept on developing her social skills through varied jobs. She worked as Patient Care Executive at MedicoExperts dealing with variety of Patients Internationally traveling to India for Their Treatments. Due to her empathetic quality, patients often found her to be their sister, friend or even the best guide. A strong believer of- “If you believe, We can” she successfully treated 500+ patients all over the globe.

Her dedication to her patients and her stubborn thoughts to creating a better tomorrow helped her in not stopping and reaching world while not only for her Consultations but also her varied workshops on Art Therapy, Confidence Building, Memory sharpening, Motivation, etc. which indeed helped others to rediscover themselves and push their capacities.

She successfully trained around 300 + students with her self-created courses for personal development making them a better person. She believes her Purpose of Life is To Impact Positivity in Growing as many Life’s as she can. A Doctor by Profession, Healer by Compassion and an Author by Passion Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar now is the Founder and CEO of Alkanand Holistic Hub.

Our Team

Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar
Founder & Ceo

Dr. Batul Vohra
Creative Head

Dr. Vishaka Suvarna
Operational Head

Mr. Swanand Mane
Marketing Head

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